
Downtown Boise Fall Engagement

October 22, 2019

Hi, I'm Jacque
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Downtown Boise Fall Engagement

Downtown Boise Fall Engagement Session. Jordan and Tim’s engagement session took place on a rainy fall day! As I was sitting in my nice warm car waiting for the rain to stop so that I could scout the location for hints of beautiful warm fall colors and find the uniqueness this park had to offer. I was reminded how awesome it is that I get to call this work! Using this part of my creative brain fuels my heart.

Downtown Boise has been a huge part of Jordan and Tim’s story as a couple. They both attended Boise State University. Tim proposed downtown at The Grove and they currently live downtown. It was neat to spend some time together getting to know them as individuals and as a couple. We made sure to incorporate some of their early dating memories such as “the kissing bridge” as Tim would call it. Long and behold it was actually called the Friendship bridge. Props to Tim for changing that up!

Rain, Wind, Sun

The weather was a bit crazy however we did get some amazing glow half way through their session. I just loved the location they chose because it incorporates so many things they love as a couple. The leaves were just starting to fall which made for a beautiful landscape. The buildings on campus where they spend some of their time in the background. The Boise River where they went white water rafting or maybe just over a small bump in the river! Seeing giraffes from afar and learning about Tim’s love for animals!
I just loved spending this fall afternoon with this wonderful couple! I am looking forward to their wedding next year! We had ducks join us for part of the time as well as very friendly geese. I just loved the variety that this location had to offer.

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I'm Jacque a wedding photographer located in Boise, Idaho.  I have been celebrating couples since 2016

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